
The Magitech Chronicles Pen & Paper Roleplaying Game

Created by Chris Fox

Thank you for helping us to bring the RPG to life! The Magitech Chronicles began as a best-selling fiction series, and now we're finally coming to tabletop RPGs. Below you can see the add-ons for the game. It's not to late to get in on the ground level! Join us, Outrider.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We just posted the Catalyst Creation Rules. What do you think?
over 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 08:47:57 PM

I have to start with how amazing you guys are. I still can't believe that we're getting miniatures. You did that. Thank you.

Anyway, onto the cool stuff. Here are the new Catalyst Creation Rules for the RPG.

A handful of systems underwent major revision after the latest round of playtesting, and this is one of them. My goal is always to keep the system simple so it supports the narrative, but it also needs to be internally consistent in a way that makes sense, and is easy to use in actual gameplay. 

That's doubly important when dealing with something like Catalysts, because those are the engine of the setting. They're the vehicle you'll use to tell whatever story you want. 

So here they are. If you end up designing a Catalyst I'd love to hear about it. We do plan to have an area of the World Anvil to showcase your work. If is isn't clear how to use the rules, then we'll have a video going live tomorrow at 9 AM on the ChrisFoxRPs channel that will walk you through the process.

I'm going to get back to work. We're polishing up the First Contact saga as that goal looks very doable, and I need to get schematics ready for the Wyrm Hunter as well. Have I mentioned that I love this job? I never thought designing starships was something I could add to my resume.


Hardcovers Added and our First Stretch Goal
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 04:09:48 PM

You guys asked for hardcovers, so we added them and noticed quite a few people immediately upgraded from the softcover. Thank you!

We've also put together our first stretch goal. If we can hit $15,000 then we will create 5 high quality Magitech Chronicles models that we can deliver in STL format. That means WE CAN PRINT MINIATURES =D. These files will be given to everyone who backs at any level, and you can take them right to a site like Hero Forge.

For the next stretch goal we're looking at providing an extra set of ship schematics, enhanced character sheets, more races, and more paths. We are also open to ideas!

As a reminder if you are interested we have character creation videos and the rules available on World Anvil
